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Steve Wozniac

Grew up with an engineer father who was happy to buy him electronics kits from very early age, and to teach him the reasons why electric circuits worked the way they did. He read some of journals his father got, and started learning Boolean algebra in 5th grade. (logic that powers computers - IF OR AND statements). he traces his computer hardware and software ability back to those journals.

At Berkeley, Woz designed and built Blue Boxes to phreak pay phones, and Steve Jobs sold them.He was 20 at time, Jobs was 17. At one stage tried to call Pope, pretending to be Henry Kissinger, but Pope's secretary checked.

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He designed Apple I, mainly to show others at the Homebrew Computer Club. Gave out copies of the design, but it turned out most people didn't have time to build it, so they were happy to pay him to do it for them. When they first realized they cd sell motherboards, Wozniac and Jobs formed Apple Computers and pulled in another guy, Ron Wayne, to do the paperwork like writing the instruction manuals etc. They gave him 10% of company, but just after they'd delivered the first boards, Wayne decided it wasn't for him, so the 2 Steves bought back his 10% for $800. More Books on Money

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