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Love and Let Die:James Bond and the Beatles

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Bond exemplified all the old traditions of England - misogogny, respect for hierachy, insular superiority. Beatles the new way of thinking about sex, drugs, religion and power, bc old ways seemed so flawed.

Oct 5 1962 first JB film, first Beatles song released. I turned 13.

Films A Hard Day's Night and Goldfinger both 1964. Goldfinger cost $3 million, grossed $125 million. AHDN cost quarter mill, grossed $11 million. Goldfinger was a colourful globe-trotting fantasy of a never-was Britain as post war Super Power. AHDN wasa black-and-white pic of dirty cities, smoking on trains and bombed out buildings.

Britain still a land of hereditary aristocrats. Duke of Westminster's advice to young entrepeneurs was "Make sure you have an ancestor who was a very close friend of William the Conqueror."

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