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A History of the Other Woman

Elizabeth Abbott

Royal Mistresses

The children of King Charles II mistresses, Nell Gwynn etc, were enobled - in fact 5 of today's 26 dukes are their descendants. (Most of the children were named Charles or James by their shrewd mothers, so Charles had to carry written identification clues when he visited the communal nursery maintained for their benefit).

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Charles was a Catholic sympathiser, if not one himself, and this caused trouble. Once there was a near riot and the crowd stopped the royal coach in case it was carrying one of Charles notoriously Catholic mistresses. But it was Nell Gwynn, who famously defused the situation by leaning out of the carriage and with characteristic bawdy good humour, yelling out 'Pray good people, be civil. I am the Protestant whore!'

Alice Keppel was a happily married Scotswoman of minor peerage had one problem - they didn't have enough money. Alice decided there was only one solution - she wd have to take a wealthy lover. Her agreeable husband acquiesced. After a couple of men, in 1898 she met Prince Albert, later King. Albert arranged a sweet job for her husband, allowing her to entertain him each afternoon.

Then, in 1970, Alice's great-granddaughter, Camilla, met Albert's great-great-grandson, Prince Charles, at a polo match, and famously pointed out the connection and suggested 'How about it?'

Catholic Church, Clerical and Papal Mistresses

Church had 3 reasons for enforcing celibacy: traditional theological basis, and to free the priest from distraction so cd concentrate on duties. The third reason was left unsaid: single priests were cheaper, bc church resources not spent on feeding family, educating sons or endowing daughters in marriage.

Theodora and Marozia Theophylact: Theodora and her husband Theophylact moved to Rome in 890AD and both became senators. Together they manoevred into the papacy the man known as Sergius III. Part of the deal involved giving him their beautiful 15 yo daughter Marozia, as his concubine, and she bore him a son, John. When Sergius died 911, they put Anastasius III in, and then in 913 Lando who only lasted a year. Theodora got her latest lover, John X Pope in 914. The daughter Marozia took a series of husbands and lovers and managed to control the papal throne with 2 temporary popes until her son turned 20, whence he was installed as John XI. But eventually her other son Alberic stirred the Roman masses into revolt, and Marozia was thrown in a dungeon to die. Alberic then got his son, Octavian, elected Pope. The 2 women, Theodora and Marozia, lovers and mothers of 8 Popes.

When a modern priest is found with a mistress, Church makes 3 assumptions: the woman only has herself to blame because she has used her wiles to lure him into having sex with her; she is lucky to be involved with a godly man and so shd show her gratitude thru silence; she has God-given power to save her lover thru sacrifice by breaking off affair.

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