Only a tiny bit of the market is looking for the brand new thing. Most people want the tried and proven thing. The Microsofts of the world hang in, going from version 1 to version 2, knowing that by version 3 they will have slogged through the Dip. MS failed twice with Windows, four times with Word, three times with Excel. The whole process is based on relentlessly changing tactics but never quitting the big idea.
The market wants to see you persist. It wants to know that you are serious, safe and trustworthy.
There are times to quit, and there are opportunities to break through the problem with a new strategy.
Ways to decide when to quit:
1. Decide in advance. Marathon runner - "You don't want to be running and start to think 'My leg's sore, it's cold, I'm tired'. If you make a decision based on how you feel at the moment, it'll probably be the wrong one."
2. Pick your market based on your resources. If you find that you can't get heard over competitor's message then you're in wrong market.
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