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The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins

Why has evolution created such an abundance of religions? Dawkins says its a by-product of other processes - our need to have an explanation for everything.

Religious education a form of child abuse. If a child is encouraged to accept something without reason or evidence, or worse, to accept that the leap of faith is a virtue, then you are doing a very bad job of teaching him to think.

Criticises belief that religious belief is personal and shouldn't be questioned. Why should that be uniquely quarantined? If someone says "I support such-and-such a party or policy or football team" you're free to argue as much as you like, but if someone says "I mustn't move a lightswitch on Saturdays" you're expected to say "Well I respect that".

25% of Britons have 'some' belief in astrology - that's more than any single religion

Dawkins attacks homeopathy, with its belief that water molecules 'remember' what they've touched (an awful lot of mud and urine, actually). Homeopathy either has absolutely no effect in which case people shouldn't be pushing it, or there is some previously undiscovered force, in which case you should prove it and win the Nobel Prize.

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