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The Man Who Found Time

James Hutton and the Discovery of Earth's Antiquity

Jack Rapcheck

Isaac Newton was the first scientist to determine that everything observable obeyed constantly acting natural laws. hence science of mathematical study of mechanics - mass, motion, inertia and momentum.

But his final and most famous discovery was the discovery of universal gravitation, which unified the movement of all planetary bodies - planets, moons and comets orbiting the sun, as well as how tides worked and how objects of different weights fell at the same speed.

Newton also stressed importance of using the scientific method - accurate observation, verified by repeatable experiments.

4 men broke the bounds of biblical idea of earth - separated science from theology.

1. Copernicus proved that Earth not the center of Universe.

2. Galileo publicized the meaning of this.

3. James Hutton provided (in 1788) formal proof that Earth billions of years old

4. Charles Darwin took away the concept that God created man.

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