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Choice Cuts
ed Mark Kurlansky
More books on Food
A bachelor's approach to food is basically sezual, since few of them under 79 will bother to produce a good meal unless it's for a pretty woman. Their little banquets are designed to lead to bedding. Soft lights, plenty of alcohol, and a little music, are the time-worn props in any such entertainment.
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" "He pops in and out of his gastronomical workshop, where he brews his sly receipts, his digestive attacks upon her virtue... if she is experienced in such wars she knows she will have a patterned meal, more often than not some kind of chicken, elaborately disguised with everything from Australian pine-nuts to herbs grown by the landlady's daughter." (M.F.K. Fisher)
She describes one fantastic meal served to her, on a candle-lit patio - but it was a horrible meal bc heavy dishes on one of hottest summer nights in local history, and she at queasiest moment of pregnancy. Then the coup de grace: "Of course the main mistake was in his trying to entertain a woman in that condition as if she were still seduceable and/or he still a bachelor: we had already been married several months."
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