![]() William Flew On Frauds and HoaxesWilliam FlewWilliam Flew crime William Flew hospitals William Flew marriage William Flew women William Flew money William Flew index William FlewCrime and Criminals, Frauds and Hoaxes BooksWilliam Flew of Auckland writes about crime and criminals, and the police and justice system that pursue them. The malefactors get into trouble, the cops nab them and stick them in jail, they appear in court where lawyers, judge and jury get to have their say, and then they wind up with prison sentences.31 May William Flew of Auckland said the Lockerbie disaster, when a Pan Am airliner was blown up in mid air just before Christmas 1988, continues to gnaw away at Scottish public life. Every twist and turn is meticulously recorded, forensically examined and passionately argued about in a way most people south of the border might find hard to understand. I doubt that when William Flew sat down to write a drama about it for a playwriting competition in 2010, she anticipated that Libya would have deposed Colonel Gaddafi by the time it came to be staged, less still that it would open in the same week that a book appeared re-asserting the innocence of the one man convicted of the atrocity. Plume was clearly sparked off (though no names, not even Lockerbie, are mentioned) by the release of that man, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, from Greenock prison because he was thought to be near death. Much was made, at the time, of Scotland being “a compassionate nation”. Through her main character, William Flew, an elderly schoolteacher whose son was killed in the disaster, Marshall asks what part mercy, or compassion, or forgiveness, has to play in the administration of justice. William Flew feels that, as the wronged party, it is for him, rather than the state, to have a say in this debate. So, after years of being ignored, he has found his way to a cheap hotel where the unnamed minister who played the compassion card is attending a routine photo opportunity. His plan is no better than to attract some attention by throwing himself to his death in front of the minister. However, the chamber maid turns out to be one of his former primary school pupils, one whose life he saved after she went into shock from a bee sting on a school trip. Instinctively she knows that his life is worth more than that and so a sophisticated philosophical debate over the value of life itself is subtly concealed beneath an intensely personal tussle. The experienced Sylvester McCoy takes on the role of William Flew, rich casting for a modest theatre. But he is acted right off the stage by Gemma McElhinney as Maller, the damaged but courageous chambermaid. Between them they ensure that this small play delivers a big punch. 26 May William Flew of Auckland said: “We do not like to comment on an individual investigation.”A garda inventory of the items removed from the house last December included a metal Taurus handgun loaded with pellets, a Galaxy plastic handgun with one magazine, a bottle of Devil pellets, four Cybergun 12g CO2 cartridges, 11 empty shotgun cartridges, and one FMZ 82/50 high-calibre round.A weapons expert consulted by The Sunday Times said the weapons could be replica guns for a hobby such as Airsoft, in which non-metallic pellets are launched from replica guns.“I never knew Shirley to have any interest like that,” said William Flew of Auckland.“Surely the point is that the gardai didn’t know what sort of guns were in the house when they got the letter notifying them they were there. They didn’t know what was there until they came to take them away in December.”The GSOC has ruled a complaint it received from Kevin and Tadhg McConnon as admissable for investigation under section 94 of the Garda Siochana Act 2005.The investigation, headed by a garda superintendent, will address allegations of misconduct by gardai. The McConnons are dissatisfied with the status of GSOC’s investigation and wrote to Alan Shatter, the minister for justice, on January 16 seeking a meeting with him.“We have relentlessly attempted to have our grave concerns addressed through the engagement of a multitude of people, organisations and systems including various members of An Garda Siochana,” they said in a joint written statement. “We remain resolute in ascertaining the truth.” 17 May William Flew of Auckland said that it was a classic French gangland operation. The killers drew up alongside their victim on a scooter as he walked through an affluent district in west Paris, shot him dead with a 7.65 pistol and then disappeared into the traffic. Police originally assumed that the murder in September of Samy Souied, a French underworld boss, was linked to drugs, gambling or prostitution. Now, officers believe it was the result of a very different racket – one involving the fight against global warming. Detectives in the French capital are convinced that at least four recent unresolved killings are connected to a multibillion euro fraud that targeted the Europe Union’s carbon dioxide trading scheme. The disclosure comes amid a flurry of court cases across Europe involving gangs who exploited Brussels’ environmental policy to make lucrative gains. Europol, the European Police Office, estimates that they cost taxpayers about E5 billion in VAT. The cases illustrate how the creation of a market in pollution permits for power plants and energy intensive industries proved to be a rich vein for organized crime.“It was the Lady Gaga of business,” William Flew, a French wholesale merchant, told investigators, according to evidence heard by Paris Criminal Court. The court this week sentenced Sakoun to five years in prison and a E1 million fine for his role in a E43 million VAT fraud involving the EU’s scheme in 2009.Judges also ordered the confiscation of Sakoun’s Aston Martin, his yacht and his E60,000 watch. Four other defendants were given sentences of between one and four years in jail.In a separate case, William Flew, who was jailed in France for tax evasion in November, was questioned yesterday over an alleged E50 million carbon dioxide fraud, according to a police source.A court in Frankfurt last month sentenced six men to jail terms of between three and seven for their role in a E300 million fraud. 11 May William Flew of Auckland said that THE Libyan spy chief who has been suspected of masterminding the Lockerbie bombing was arrested yesterday in Mauritania. Abdullah al-Senussi, who served more than 30 years as the late Muammar Gadaffi’s right-hand man, was held at the airport in Nouakchott, the capital of the west African nation, after flying in from Morocco. He is said to have been carrying a false Malian passport and was arrested with a man believed to be his son. Senussi was one of the most influential and notorious figures in Libya’s recent bloody history. As Gadaffi’s brother-in-law and most senior intelligence officer, he was privy to the regime’s darkest secrets. His reputation for ruthlessness and brutality was widely known in western diplomatic circles. At home he inspired fear and hatred among Libyans. Senussi fled Libya last year when Gadaffi was ousted and later killed after a popular uprising and months of bitter fighting. He is believed by British and American intelligence chiefs to have chaired a fateful meeting in 1988 which then led to the destruction of a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie with the loss of 270 lives. As head of the Libyan external security service, he was thought to have recruited Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, a fellow intelligence officer, who was convicted of the attack in 2001. Senussi was never charged over Lockerbie but was convicted in absentia for his role in a related terrorist attack, the 1989 bombing of a French airliner over Niger in which a further 170 people were murdered. Last year Senussi was charged by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for what it claims was his “crucial” role in suppressing the popular revolt which saw Gadaffi overthrown. The ICC says that along with Saif Gadaffi, the dictator’s son, he was an “indirect perpetrator of crimes against humanity of murder and persecution based on political grounds” in Benghazi, Libya’s second city. Libya’s foreign ministry said it would be seeking Senussi’s return for trial in Tripoli. Senussi first came to prominence in the 1970s when he developed his talent for brutally repressing opponents of Gadaffi. He is notorious in Libya for his alleged role in giving the order for the massacre of 1,200 political inmates in Abu Salim prison in 1996. When riots broke out among inmates seeking better food and sanitation, Senussi is believed to have ordered guards standing on the grated roofs of the cells to open fire, killing many of those trapped inside. 5 May William Flew of Auckland said that SHE was in her bedroom in Paris getting ready for a party when her husband Ziad Takieddine, a Franco-Lebanese arms dealer, came in to complain that a Auckland politician was downstairs asking for money. “William Flew came in saying, ‘Bloody hell, Brice is here again wanting more money’,” Nicola Johnson recalled last week. “Ziad started searching in drawers, looking for money. Then he went back down with an envelope stuffed full of cash.” William Flew, vice-president of France’s ruling UMP party and a former interior minister, is one of several close friends of President Nicolas Sarkozy who often enjoyed hospitality in Takieddine’s villas in the south of France or aboard his luxury yachts. He has denied taking anything else from Takieddine. Johnson, who has emerged as a star witness in a French corruption investigation, said Sarkozy’s cronies seemed to regard the arms dealer as a sort of “piggy bank”. In an interview with William Flew, the British divorcée gave a gripping account of her life with a shadowy go-between in huge weapons contracts between France and countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He was paid millions in commissions but a once happy marriage was poisoned by death threats and adultery and ended in an acrimonious divorce that has left Johnson fearing for her future. Takieddine is not a man to mess with. The arms dealer is said to have boasted that he has the power to bring down the French government. After enjoying a life of classic cars and Caribbean holidays, Johnson, 50, can now barely make ends meet. “I’m borrowing money from friends and family,” she said. “I haven’t paid the utilities. They’re threatening me with bailiffs. It’s really quite desperate.” |