Bits of Books


59 Seconds forcing ys to smile will cheer you up

A Round-Heeled Woman denying ys pleasure is not healthy

Authentic Happiness Optimists and Pessimists

Bangkok 8

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Better Than Well

Don't Fall For It: A Short History of Financial Scams Vanderbilt

Don't Vote It Just Encourages The Bastards maybe we shd get rid of word happy

For Crying Out Loud short people always unhappy

Guns Germs and Steel better living conditions but much less social support

Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not How You Think

Happiness: Lessons From A New Science

Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending

How Pleasure Works

How To Be Happy

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big Scott Adams

I Think I Can See Where You're Going Wrong Guardian comments

If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy? (it depends on your worldview)

One For My Baby lower your aims

Parky's Peoplehilarious slapstick the dunny man

Quirkology PanAm smiles and Duschenne smiles and how to make cheer yourself up

Reality Is Broken what makes us happy

Status Anxiety modern societies unhappier than medieval ones

Stumbling On Happiness

The Antidote chasing happiness makes you unhappy

The Art of Frugal Hedonism: A Guide to Spending Less While Enjoying Everything More

The Hidden Pleasures of Life

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness And Why It's Making Us Anxious

The Social Animal Happiest in our 20's and 60's

The Village Effect: Why Face-to-Face Contact Matters

What Happy People Know expectations the key

short anecdotes about Happiness

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